Hello... It's Me....

I don't know what this will be.  However, I talked about starting a blog.  Years ago.  I have a bunch of short stories that I've written over the last few years.  Maybe this will be a place for them.  At some point, it'll be for a podcast.  Just me, and my friends chatting.  And a gallery... pics of my dog, mostly.  Billie.  

Last night, at a bar, I was talking with my friend about his current relationship... 'STOP!' I said. 'We can't talk about this right now.  Save it.  It's a good conversation.  And I have some thoughts, but I don't want to this right now.  Save it for my podcast.'  I randomly fall into these conversations that I'm sure are universal.. about insecurity, and relationships, and trying to navigate life. I don't know about you, but I ask myself daily, 'what the fuck am i doing?'  So that's what this blog will be about... trying to figure out what the fuck I'm doing. 

Anyway, it's Saturday afternoon.  And I, for some reason, agreed to host a dinner tonight for a friends birthday.  So, I should probably clean my apartment.  And like organize my life.  And pretend like I'm an adult.  I also just realized the chicken isn't defrosted.  Not off to a great start, eh?