No, Thank You.

Many have reached out since I started this blog.  Mostly about the honesty in the writing, and how relatable it is.  That was the goal -honesty and relatable.   We are all the same, and we all feel the same, just at different times.  We don’t talk about it though. We live in a different world today, consumed by our phones, and social media.  We are no longer present.  We are uncomfortable with imperfection, but we are all imperfect.

My social media blows up daily with selfies on Snapchat and Instagram.  Do I look right in this light?  What about with this filter? I’ll angle it this way… look how much better it is.  Tell me I’m perfect.  Let me check us in.  The grass is always greener on the other side.  Except it isn’t, and I’ll venture to bet we are all on the same side… we are on the same grass.  Facing the same insecurities and self-doubt.  Are we doing the right thing?  Should I be doing something differently?  Why does their life seem more fun? Why do they seem so put together –they really have their shit together, and here I am just trying to make sure I don’t fuck up.

FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out): anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on a social media website.

We all have FOMO.  We don’t live in the present.  We live in the next best thing.  I’m trying to be better about not doing that.  I’m trying to slow down, and tell myself I’m where I need to be right now.  I’m trying to be more gentle with myself… you are fine, Henry.  You are not missing out…

Thank you to those of you that have reached out, and said such nice things.  I’m glad that the things I’m talking about are relatable.  It’s good to know that I am not alone.  We are not alone.  We’re all taking it day by day… trying to navigate through this life.  I want this blog to be open and honest.  I want it to feel real. In a world where we try to mask the truth I wanted to have a forum that talked about the things we all go through... the things we avoid talking about.  We aren’t perfect… we are human… we are fragile… we are broken…. we are in this together.  Here’s the thing, I bet we are all going to be ok, and maybe even a little better then ok.  So from me to you… Thank You.