This. Is. America.

I went back and forth.  Do I get an opinion?  Do I get to voice that opinion?  I don’t know, I think so?  I’m brown.  But, have you felt oppressed?  No, not really.  Have you really experienced racism?  Yeah, no to that too.  I mean, I felt different in school, being one of a handful of minorities in a mostly white community.  Were you treated differently?  No, honestly, everyone was always great.  I never felt unwelcome, or like I didn’t belong.  Ok, well, you’re gay, so like I’m sure you experienced some sort of homophobia at some point.  Yeah, that’s a no too.  Never phased me.  People were always kind.  So, like you’ve never come close to experiencing any kind of hate or homophobia or anything near it?  No.  And you’re still going to do this?  Yep….

George Floyd.  Another black man dead, at the hands of a racist cop.  We’re surprised? Oh and then people took to the streets.  They rioted, and some looted stores.  Wait, you’re surprised by that too?  I’m sorry, what level of education have you obtained?  This isn’t a surprise.  It’s a cycle.  This is what we do.  Let me tell you the rest of the story.  A preview of sorts.  We’re going to talk about this for a while.  We’ll be outraged.  The cop that killed him will get a sentence that isn’t really fair, but fair enough that his life will never be the same. Some time will pass, and most will forget about this, and we’ll move on.  But, wait, there’s more.  It’ll happen all over again, to someone else, and we will again be “surprised.” 

So wait… these things keep happening, and like in some ways we know it’s coming, but like nothing changes?  Right.  So, we’re the problem?  Also, right.  So, like how do we change this?  Um… we protest and we riot and raise our voices.  But, people seem to not like that.  Right… fuck them.  This is how we change America. 

Do we have proof ?  Yes, gay rights… Any other proof? Yes, woman’s rights.  So this might work?  It has in the past.  But it’s going to upset people?  Yes, we covered this… fuck them. 

My cousin text me yesterday.  Asking questions about the NYTimes article I posted.  “I think what that cop did was wrong.  It just sucks we all fall under that category now.  Well again.”  I don’t think cops are bad, and I’ve had way more positive experiences with cops than negative.  So, it’s not the cops? Like being a cop… no… that’s not the problem.  So, what is it? Us.  Us, again?  Yep.  Turns out, some of us are raising racist assholes.  Wait, so it’s the adult’s fault?  Yeah.  Turns out, this is all their fault.  Just them though?  Nah… also like all of us collectively.  Like me too?  I mean, yes… like the foundation of our country.  Turns out, the foundation on the house is bad.  How so? Well, it’s built on racism… so...

But people are starting buildings on fire.  That’s terrible.  Right, but their house has termites.  So, like, maybe it’s easier to rebuild if they burn it down.  So you think people should start buildings on fire?  Clearly, that’s not a great thing, no.  But you’re ok with it?  Well, do you have a better solution?  Nope. Are you listening though?  Also, no.  Ok well this is going to be a problem…

Ok, this is a lot of back and forth.  How do we make this better?  We start by listening.  It’s that easy? Yep! Well, what’s being said.  I can summarize it for you.  Institutional racism.  What’s that?  Well, according to Wiki…

“…a form of racism expressed in the practice of social and political institutions. It is reflected in disparities regarding wealth, income, criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power and education, among other factors…” 

So, it’s been fucked up since the jump?  Yep! Can it be fixed? I hope so, but who knows.  What I do know, is that if we keep our mouths shut, if we say nothing, then we are part of the problem. So, what’s the solution again?  All of this.  People in the streets, making noise, speaking out…  listen to them.  Their stories, their experiences.  What’s it like to be them in America, their experiences have value, but we are so quick to write it off, or not take it to heart.  The change that’s needed is greater than us, but collectively…. We can make this country better.  Kinder.  This week, in this country, was incredibly sad, and if it didn’t make you sad.  Well, fuck you.

Also, if I have to go on social media to be pleasantly surprised that yet someone else I am “friends” with is fucking casually racist I’m going to lose my mind.